'The Graduate' is a 1967 film directed by Mike Nichols, Staring Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft. The film is based around 'Benjamin' a 21 year old college graduate. Benjamin is very worried about his future career, as he does not want to continue with what he is doing. It does not help that his parents have very high expectation of him in what he is currently doing. The parents celebrate his graduation with a 'homecoming' party where his fathers business partener's wife is there. Benjamin soon later falls into Mrs Robinson's seduction when he drives her home, which leads to the two having an affair. Mrs Robinson is very powerful compared to Benjamin. She takes control of him and is able to lead him on through the affair. Mrs Robinson has full control of his mind. The affair is soon broken off, but it doesn't end there. Benjamin falls in love with the Robinson's daughter, Elaine. However when the affair ended between him and Mrs Robinson because Enjamin had fallen in love with her daughter Elaine, Mrs Robinson forbid him from seeing Elaine.. This results in an uproar between Mrs Robinson and Benjamin. Elaine later goes off to universsity, where she meets and gets engaged to another man who Mr and Mrs Robinson actually like. Benjamin drives miles to prevent the wedding going ahead, but he is to late. Elaine is already married, but Benjamin put up his fight and managed to leave with the women he loves.
The film is introduced with a tracking shot, which follows Benjamin on the escalator. During the opening scene many close up shots are used to show Bejamins fear and worry over his future career, and what he is going to do. The close up shot is used to show the facial expressions that will allow the audience to percieve Benjamin's mood, and also personality. A point of view show is used in eyes of benjamin showing what he captures when he walks through the door to a lot of family and friends congratulating him. There is a brilliant shot at benjamin's birthday party when he is presented with a scuba dicing suit and his parents just insist he wears it now. The view we see is from Benjamin's eyes when he is under the water and looking out at the party guests. We can also hear the diegetic sound of him breathing as he is in the water.
Near the begining there is the sound of bubbles coming from the fish tank positioned behind Benjamin. The bubble sound is diegetic sound as it is a sound captured on the film. A soundtrack which is non diegetic sound is added in through out the film. It is the same soundtrack which is played through the running of the film. The song was written by Simon and Garfunkel. The soundtrack shows emotion through out the film, as when it plays in is interlinked with the scene at the time.
In my opinion the film could of had a lot more to it. The film really did not have my complete attention at any time. There is definately room for improvement within 'The Graduate'. I think there could of been a lot more drama when the affair came out, it was all quite calm which just wouldn't happen. I also think that Benjamin and Elaine's love was all a bit fake to begin with. He was having an affair with Mrs Robinson one minute and in love with the younger Robinson, Elaine the next. I would never chose this film to watch myself, however it was semi intresting to see what unfolded with the Benjamin/Mrs Robinson relationship, but that really was a bit disapointing. I don't think i would watch this film again, unless it was necessary.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
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Good work Sophie, I don't think it helped that we had a week gap in between the start and finish of the film!